Take the traditional Messenger or Chat features then make a pretty useful feature. Time chat is similar to the app Cyber Dust but is integrated into the existing Facebook chat features. Click the TIme Chat icon and pop up a separate chat window like opening an incognito window in a web browser. Pick a person or group of people to send a message to. Select the message expiration time.

  • Freeze Read – Until the recipient takes action on their phone. (Scrolls the screen, taps, or uses buttons)
  • Touch Read – Recipient touches and hold the screen to view the message, then on release message is deleted.
  • 5 Seconds – Message deletes after 5 Seconds.
  • 10 Seconds – Message deletes after 10 Seconds.

Screenshots are turned off to protect the user’s conversation.

Privacy Shield is a new feature that uses your device’s location to protect you from peeping eyes. 

  • If location services detect another Facebook, Messenger, or Similar services user within 10FT of your device the messenger will not be able to open.
  • If your selfies camera or back camera detects another person in the field of view the messenger will not open.

All transmission is highly encrypted with the latest standards or above.


A basic filter that can be applied to users feeds based upon.

  • Like Emotions (Like and Faces like Happy, Wow, Love, Sad, Etc.)
  • Only Favorite Friends – Starred friends.
  • Shared Posts – Only posts that were shared by people.
  • Pure Posts – Only posts that were directly created by a friend.
  • Like Amount – Only posts with Likes over a specific number


For $2.99 a month ads will be removed from the Facebook account.


The main way people use the most popular Social Media platform in the world is with it’s News Feed. The problem is the news feed is getting “old” and boring for the ever-expanding younger generations. Users need a visual revamp and high level of control of their feed. There are a few reasons for this. 

  1. The more a user becomes a part of the product that they are using the more a connection grows between them and the product. This can be clearly shown in MMORPG games that amongst some of the most highly addicting games ever created.
  2. Crisp visuals strengthen the connection between the user and the product. When you’re using a product that feels crisp and visually appealing you are going to be more apt to feel good while using. In the background, you weigh this product over another and start to subconsciously back the better-looking product. Eventually, the users start to view the product as a superior product. There is a sense of satisfaction of use that starts to take effect.


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